Super Junior D&E unveils teaser photos for upcoming full-length album

임승혜 2021. 10. 25. 16:09
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Super Junior D&E, a subunit of Super Junior composed of members Donghae and Eunhyuk, released teaser photos on Monday for their upcoming full-length album "Countdown."

The two formed the subunit in 2011 and debuted with the release of their digital single "Oppa, Oppa."

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Super Junior D&E, a subunit of Super Junior composed of members Donghae and Eunhyuk, released teaser photos on Monday for their upcoming full-length album "Countdown." "Countdown" is set to drop on Nov. 2..
Super Junior D&E's teaser photograph for the upcoming full-length album ″Countdown.″ [LABEL SJ]

Super Junior D&E, a subunit of Super Junior composed of members Donghae and Eunhyuk, released teaser photos on Monday for their upcoming full-length album “Countdown.”

“Countdown” is set to drop on Nov. 2.

Label SJ said that the upcoming album is being prepared to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Super Junior D&E’s debut, also signaling the start of a new decade.

The two formed the subunit in 2011 and debuted with the release of their digital single “Oppa, Oppa.”


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