KT launches interactive AI assistant for business calls

2021. 10. 25. 15:33
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South Korean telecom firm KT is introducing an interactive call assistant service backed by its artificial intelligence technology, the firm said Monday. During an online press conference, KT showcased how the AI assistant can help businesses respond to consumers’ calls past their business hours to receive orders or handle other requests.

“The aim is to make the AI response system part of our life 24/7 by spreading it to business customers and public institutions,” said Ku Hyeon-mo, CEO of KT. “KT will also use the technology to help small and self-employed businesses to communicate with their customers all the time.”

The AI call service system could help as many as 3.3 million mom and pop stores and businesses that have burdens of maintaining staff and labor costs, the firm said.

For the service, the firm has applied “dynamic modeling,” which enables the AI platform to better understand what customers say on the phone. When needed, the AI would ask the caller questions for a more accurate understanding of his or her intentions and requests.

KT injected around 200 engineers to develop the proactive AI platform and tested its performance by applying it to more than 300 KT customer centers.

To have the AI pick up the calls, store owners only need to designate one smartphone to be connected to their store phone. The service costs 22,000 won ($18.80) per month.

Of the entire contact center market estimated to be 11 trillion won last year, the AI-based market would account for around 3 trillion won, KT said.

KT is moving to expand the AI-based system to around 50 public organizations, including financial institutions.

By Song Su-hyun(song@heraldcorp.com)

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