S. Korea mulls 15-20% cut in fuel tax, exemption in LPG tariff until spring
2021. 10. 25. 10:15
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South Korea is mulling 15 to 20% cut in fuel taxes for four to five months and zero tariff on LNG starting mid-November to cope with surging fuel costs. If taxes are shaved by 15 percent – the maximum cut in the past - can lower gasoline prices by 123 won ($0.1) per liter from the average current price of 1,732 won to 1,609 won. Diesel prices would also go down by 87 won per liter and LPG butane 30 won. International oil prices are in mid-$80 per barrel range, nearing all-time highs hit during the global financial crisis in 2008. Details are expected on Tuesday .
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