New Moody's ESG Solutions Tool Helps Meet EU Taxonomy Requirements

2021. 10. 22. 11:07
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LONDON -- Businesswire -- Moody’s ESG Solutions today launched EU Taxonomy Alignment Screening, a new data solution to help market participants meet the disclosure requirements of the European Union’s (EU) Taxonomy regulation. Moody’s built its tool from the ground up, an approach that sets the solution apart in this space and ensures that the underlying data is as closely aligned to the technical criteria of the EU Taxonomy as possible.

"The responsible investment landscape is continually evolving due to new standards for disclosure practices and demand for ESG-labelled products,” said Sabine Lochmann, Global Head of Moody’s ESG Measures. “EU Taxonomy Alignment Screening is the latest addition to our suite of regulatory data solutions, which help market participants navigate regulatory requirements, create innovative financial products, and support efforts to build a more sustainable economy.”

The EU Taxonomy provides a first-of-its-kind classification system for identifying environmentally sustainable activities, and is an important tool to help ensure that Europe can meet its climate commitments under the Paris Agreement. In the coming years, market participants are expected to report on the alignment of their activities with the criteria of the EU Taxonomy and develop more taxonomy-aligned products and services.

Moody’s EU Taxonomy Alignment Screening provides users with comprehensive data across the key components of the regulation: Substantial Contribution, Do No Significant Harm and Minimum Social Safeguards. Today, the screening covers all 100 of the activities outlined in the EU Taxonomy, and this will continue to expand as the regulation evolves to cover more environmental and social objectives.

The new solution complements the SFDR PAI Dataset, which Moody’s released in June 2021 to help market participants meet the requirements of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

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Moody’s ESG Solutions Group is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. The group leverages Moody’s data and expertise across ESG, climate risk, and sustainable finance, and aligns with Moody‘s Investors Service and Moody’s Analytics to deliver a comprehensive, integrated suite of ESG and climate risk solutions including ESG scores, analytics, Sustainability Ratings and Sustainable Finance Reviewer/certifier services.

For more information visit Moody’s ESG hub at

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