ya/ks 2021. 10. 20. 22:45
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Group workouts in Sana'a park offer Yemenis psychological reprieve from war

epa09534209 Yemenis perform Swedish exercises at a public park in Sana'a, Yemen, 14 October 2021 (Issued 20 October 2021). More than 200 Yemenis of all ages gather daily at a public park in the capital Sana'a to do joint exercises as a way to keep fit and relieve the psychological stresses brought on by years of war. The participants of the Swedish exercise classes, a system that involves light gymnastics, stretches and calisthenics, set out an hour before sunset to make it to Al-Thawra park in time to start warming up for the workout. A teacher and a number of assistants are on hand to guide them through the different drills. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

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