STARTUP FOCUS: JLK eyes global expansion with AI-based medical diagnosis solution

Kim Si-gyun and Minu Kim 2021. 10. 19. 15:42
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JLK Inspection`s Chief Executive Kim Dong-min [Source: JLK Inspection]
JLK Inspection, the first AI-enabled medical solution company to go public on the Kosdaq, expects to expand in the global market with its AI-based Medical Genomics technology capable of simultaneous reading of medical imaging and human genome without security threat.

The Seoul, South Korea-based medical solutions provider is well known for its diagnosis platform named AIHuB developed to quickly detect cancer and lung diseases based on a solution that precisely analyzes eight types of medical images from MRI, CT, and X-Ray, among others.

AIHub equipped with integrated AI technology has broadened its applications to many fields through continuous data updates and steady performance improvement, said the company’s chief executive Kim Dong-min during a recent interview with Maeil Business Newspaper.

It takes only 10 to 30 seconds for the AI system to analyze the presence and severity of diseases such as stroke, prostate cancer, and lung disease, and pathological images, said Kim, adding large hospitals in Korea are already using the company’s technology to diagnose and treat patients.

AIHub is advantageous in its simultaneous analysis of medical images and genomic information for various lung diseases and cancers.

The Medical Genomics service is launched in many countries around the world, and sales already began to come from this service, Kim said.

Another advantage of AIHub is that AI diagnosis can be easily performed even in areas with poor internet access, making it easier to be adopted in Southeast Asia, Latin America and the Middle East regions where cloud connectivity and employment is relatively low.

Clinics can install the AIHub solution on a laptop with Intel CPU without the internet connection. By linking HandMed, a portable shooting and analyzing to the laptop, it is possible to diagnose diseases without an internet cloud server. Thanks to this, AIHub has been approved in more than 50 countries and territories worldwide.

JLK is currently working on a 45-billion won ($38.2 million) state project together with Severance Hospital. The company recently signed a partnership agreement with Naver Cloud to develop broader application technologies.

Kim who studied AI and brain science in Japan joined the company as Chief Technology Officer in 2016 and became CEO in 2019.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper &, All rights reserved]

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