gj ase 입력 2021. 10. 18. 23:27
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Waterway across Vistula Spit in Skowronki

epa09530225 An aerial picture taken with a drone shows the construction site of a waterway across Vistula Spit in Skowronki village, northern Poland, 18 October 2021. An agreement on the construction of a waterway across Poland's northern Vistula Spit was signed on 04 October 2019 between the Maritime Authority in Gdynia and the Polish-Belgian NDI/Besix consortium, which will build the canal. The PLN 992 million (EUR 229 million) project will include a harbour on the Gdansk Bay side of the Spit, a waterway with a water gate across the Spit linking Gdansk Bay with the Vistula Lagoon, berthing areas on both sides of the Spit and an artificial island on the Vistula Lagoon. The new waterway is expected to give Poland direct access to the Baltic Sea from the Vistula Lagoon with omission of the Russian-controlled Strait of Baltiysk. EPA/Adam Warzawa POLAND OUT

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