co AFCU ase 2021. 10. 18. 23:07
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El Guaviare discovers nature tourism to leave the conflict behind

epa09530194 Photograph of the aquatic algae called "macarenias" -Rhyncholacis clavigera- that remain under the water of a river and give a pink color to the waters, in the rural area of San Jose de Guaviare, Colombia, 29 September 2021 (issued 18 October 2021). The Colombian department of Guaviare, located at the confluence of the Orinoquia with the Amazon, found in nature tourism a way to open up horizons of progress and leave behind a past of violence due to the armed conflict. Thanks to the push of the locals and the support of the Government, European and Japanese tourists have begun to come to Guaviare attracted by unique experiences of its fascinating biodiversity, crystal clear water wells, majestic waterfalls and colorful rivers, beauties that were previously covered by the eyes of the world for the conflict. EPA/Carlos Ortega

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