ab sq 2021. 10. 17. 19:01
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Egyptian fruit bats day time research in Tel Aviv

epaselect epa09527201 Researchers of the Tel Aviv University Zoological School holds an Egyptian fruit bat in the parking lot of the Dizengoff Shopping Center, the city's central colony for Egyptian fruit bats located in central Tel Aviv, 16 October 2021. In recent years, the School of Zoology at Tel Aviv University and the Israeli Nature Protection Society has been conducting research on the phenomenon in which Egyptian fruit bats active during the day time in a crowded urban environment like the city of Tel Aviv. Researchers estimate that hundreds of thousands of Egyptian fruit bats settled in Tel Aviv. The study examines whether Tel Aviv is the only urban environment in the world where the Egyptian fruit bats are freely active during day time. EPA/ABIR SULTAN ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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