MS 2021. 10. 15. 23:14
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National memorial service for Hubert Germain, the last surviving Liberation companion in Paris

epa09525315 French President Emmanuel Macron (L) walks by the coffin during a national memorial service for Hubert Germain, the last surviving Liberation companion, at The Hotel des Invalides in Paris, France, 15 October 2021, following his death at the age of 101 on 12 October. After the national tribute to Hubert Germain, Emmanuel Macron will also preside over the burial ceremony of the former Gaullist deputy and minister under Georges Pompidou on November 11, at the Arc de Triomphe and Mont-Valerien, The Elysee Palace announced. Only 1,038 people, including six women, have received the title of Companion of the Liberation. Mont-Valerien was the main place of execution for resistance fighters during the Second World War. EPA/LUDOVIC MARIN / POOL MAXPPP OUT

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