moa 2021. 10. 9. 23:50
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Demonstration for the repatriation of women and their children from Syria IS camp

epa09515020 People hold placards during a protest by the 'Platform Children back from the Caliphate' in the Hague, Netherlands, 09 October 2021. The platform wants to draw attention to the opposition of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party in the repatriation Dutch women and children from Syria. CDA party members on 11 September called on CDA lawmakers to ask the government for the repatriation of women and their children from Syria where they have been affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) group as CDA members in the government and parliament are against the repatriation. The Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service estimates 30 women and 75 children who had ties with the IS are in camps in Syria. EPA/REMKO DE WAAL

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