North and South Korea Restore Communication Through Military Communication Lines and the Liaison Office

Kim Yoo-jin 2021. 10. 4. 17:08
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Military authorities make a test call using the military communication line in the Yellow Sea region when inter-Korean communication channels were restored on July 27. Yonhap News

On October 4, North Korea restored communication channels with South Korea, and the two Koreas were able to engage in normal communication through the military communication line and the North and South Korea Joint Liaison Office. North Korea answered a call from the South for the first time in 55 days since August 10, when it unilaterally severed communication lines in protest of the joint military exercises by South Korea and the United States.

This day, the Ministry of Unification announced, “At 9 a.m. this morning, an initial call was made through the North and South Korea Joint Liaison Office restoring inter-Korean communication lines.” Military authorities also announced that normal communication between the two Koreas was confirmed through the military communication lines in the East Sea and Yellow Sea areas.

Early this morning, the North Korean state media, the Korean Central News Agency announced, “Relevant agencies respected the wishes of Comrade Kim Jong-un and restored all communication channels with South Korea beginning 9 a.m. this day.” North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had expressed his intention to restore inter-Korean communication channels in early October during his address on state administration at the fifth session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly on September 29.

The unification ministry said, “The government believes that by opening the inter-Korean communication channels, we have laid the foundation to restore inter-Korean relations and to establish a stable environment on the Korean Peninsula.” The ministry further stated, “We hope to quickly restore dialogue with the stable operation of the inter-Korean communication channels, begin practical discussions to establish peace on the Korean Peninsula, and make progress.”

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