"No Intention to Provoke South Korea," Kim Jong-un to Restore Inter-Korean Communication Line in Early October

Park Eun-kyung 2021. 9. 30. 17:59
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On September 30, the Korean Central News Agency reported that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un gave a speech on state affairs on the second day of the 5th session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly at Mansudae Assembly in Pyongyang on September 29. Korean Central News Agency, Yonhap News

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un mentioned the possibility of restoring the inter-Korean communication line early next month. He claimed that the responsibility for the current standstill on the Korean Peninsula lied with the South and called for a change of attitude from Seoul. He also criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s policy on North Korea and argued that Washington failed to make any changes to its military threats and hostile policies against Pyongyang.

On September 30, the Korean Central News Agency reported, “Comrade Kim Jong-un gave the historical address on administrative policies, ‘On the Direction of Our Struggle for New Developments in Building a Socialist State’ on the second day of the 5th session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly on September 29.”

In the speech, the North Korean leader said, “As an effort to meet and fulfill the expectations and aspirations of the Korean people, who wish to restore the currently frozen inter-Korean relations as soon as possible and firmly establish peace on the Korean Peninsula, let us first restore the inter-Korean communication line, which was severed due to deteriorating relations, in early October.”

He said, “We have no reason to provoke South Korea, and we have no intention to cause any harm.” He further argued, “South Korea should swiftly break away from the delusion and excessive awareness of crisis and loss that it must deter North Korea from provocations.”

Chairman Kim said, “South Korea is openly conducting various military exercises and schemes to reinforce its forces under the excuse that it is keeping our Republic ‘in check,’ and continues to make rash comments and actions provoking and blaming us.” The North Korean leader also said, “We have our eyes on the U.S. and South Korea for they have gone too far, strengthening military power and engaging in allied military activities at an alarming level, destroying the stability and balance surrounding the Korean Peninsula and fueling risks of a more complex clash between the two Koreas.”

Kim spoke on the end-of-war declaration that President Moon Jae-in suggested at the United Nations General Assembly and said, “It is our unchanging demand, which we continue to ask, that we guarantee respect for each other and first withdraw the biased perspective towards the other party, the unfair double standards, and the hostile perspective and policies, before we declare the end of war,” and added, “This is an important task we must first resolve in order to restore inter-Korean relations and advance toward a bright path.”

He also addressed the Joe Biden administration and said, “As the actions of the last eight months following the inauguration of the new U.S. administration clearly show, U.S. military threats and hostile policies against us have not changed at all. In fact, the form of its expression and methods are becoming more cunning.”

Kim Jong-un said, “The U.S. argued for diplomatic engagement and unconditional dialogue, but they are only a facade to trick the international community and conceal its hostile activities. They are nothing more than an extension of the hostile policies that previous U.S. administrations had pursued.”

Kim also said, “Strengthening a nation’s defense is the right of a sovereign state that has top priority, and our way of existence and development can never be imagined apart from constant efforts to strengthen our national defense,” and emphasized the realization of the country’s “national defense development goal” from the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

This day, during a Supreme People’s Assembly session, North Korea elected Kim Tok-hun, the premier of North Korea, as the vice chairman of the State Affairs Commission, and appointed Jo Yong-won, secretary of organization at the Workers’ Party of Korea; Kim Yo-jong, deputy director of the party and the younger sister of Kim Jong-un; and party secretary Pak Jong-chon to the State Affairs Commission.

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