am tz 2021. 9. 28. 22:01
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George Mikhailovich Romanov and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini wedding preparations

epa09492812 An interior view of St. Isaac's Cathedral where the wedding ceremony of the Grand Duke?s George Mikhailovich Romanov of Russia and his fiancee Victoria Romanovna Bettarini is planned to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 28 September 2021. George Mikhailovich Romanov is a descendant of the Romanov family through his mother, recognized by a part of the monarchists (Cyrilists) as the heir to the supremacy in the Russian Imperial House. He is the only child of Maria Romanova and Prince of Prussia Franz Wilhelm and a direct descendant (great-great-grandson) of the English Queen Victoria through his great-grandmother, English princess Victoria Melita, hence ranked 140th in succession to the British throne. The engagement to Victoria Bettarini took place in the Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery in January 2021. The wedding is scheduled for 01 October 2021 at St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg with about 400 guests including the Spanish King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia. EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV

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