MB 2021. 9. 28. 02:30
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Bew Botton-Champalimaud Pancreatic Cancer Center inaugurated in Lisbon

epa09491874 (L-R) King Felipe VI of Spain, Queen Letizia of Spain, Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and Champalimaud Foundation president Leonor Beleza attend the inauguration ceremony of the new Botton-Champalimaud Pancreatic Cancer Centre at Champalimaud Foundation, in Lisbon, Portugal, 27 September 2021. The Spanish couple Maurizio and Charlotte Botton (the family that owns the Danone brand) contributed 50 million Euros to the construction of the Champalimaud Foundation's new pancreatic research and treatment center. Due to the worldwide growth of this type of cancer, the center is simultaneously committed to research and clinical intervention. EPA/NUNO VEIGA

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