Voter Support for Presidential Candidates: Lee Jae-myung 30.0%, Yoon Seok-youl 27.1%, Hong Joon-pyo 16.6%, Lee Nak-yon 12.5%

Park Sun-bong 2021. 9. 27. 16:11
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Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party of Korea came out on top in a survey by the Korea Society Opinion Institute (KSOI) on future presidential candidates. Lee was supported by 30.0% of the respondents, and former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-youl was right behind him with 27.1% of support. In a survey by the same institute on the fourth week of August, Yoon was ahead in the race, but Governor Lee managed to attract 6.4% more support, overtaking Yoon for the lead within the margin of error.

TBS commissioned the latest survey, which KSOI conducted on September 24-25 asking 1,006 adults nationwide which future presidential candidate was appropriate for the job. Lee obtained the support of 30.0% of the respondents, while Yoon managed to gather 27.1% of support. Support for Lee rose by 6.4% from the previous week, while support for Yoon dropped 1.7%.

People Power Party lawmaker Hong Joon-pyo came in third. Support for Hong increased 1.2% from the previous week to 16.6%. Former Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yon lost 1.2% of support, recording 12.5%.

Governor Lee Jae-myung also came in first place in a survey of progressive presidential candidates. The respondents supported the candidates in the order of Governor Lee (33.0%), Lee Nak-yon (22.5%), and Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Park Yong-jin (4.3%).

The race among conservative candidates was a close one between Yoon Seok-youl (29.7%) and Hong Joon-pyo (29.5%). Former lawmaker Yoo Seong-min (10.1%) trailed the two men.

The latest survey had a confidence level of 95% with a 3.1% margin of error. For more details, you can visit the National Election Survey Deliberation Commission website or the Korea Society Opinion Institute website.

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