Moh jak 2021. 9. 24. 22:13
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Annual sale of pure-bred Arabian horses at Sidi Thabet Stud farms

epa09485511 Potential buyers look at pure-bred Arabian horses presented to spectators during the annual sale of Arabian pure-bred horses, organized by the National Foundation for the Improvement of The Horses Breed (FNARC) at the National stud farms of Sidi Thabet, Tunisia, 24 September 2021. A total of 50 pure-bred Arabian horses were on sale this year. The FNARC, the former Establishment of the National Stud farms from in 1913, is now a Tunisian public institution created in 1988; the National stud farms of Sidi Thabet, dating back to 1866, are spezialized in breeding the Tunisian Arabian horses. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA

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