IHMA Opens Microbiology Reference Laboratory in Shanghai, China to Further Support Global Anti-Infective Product Discovery and Development

2021. 9. 24. 18:37
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SCHAUMBURG, Ill. -- Businesswire -- IHMA has opened a microbiology reference laboratory in Shanghai, China in February of 2021. This facility will join IHMA locations in the USA, Switzerland and India to allow the company to provide more robust global support for anti-infective product discovery and development. The China facility will provide microbiology testing to support profiling of new antimicrobial products, antimicrobial resistance surveillance, molecular characterization of resistant organisms, and serve as a central laboratory for clinical trials conducted in China.

“We have been working for almost 30 years to maximize our in vitro support for clients who are developing anti-infective products globally. Our facility in China will greatly enhance that effort and support clients wishing to conduct studies in this important market,” said Jack L. Johnson, President/CEO of IHMA.

About IHMA:

As the leading global microbiology service provider to the biopharmaceutical industry, IHMA utilizes its extensive laboratory and industry expertise to support efficient and effective anti-infective product development. IHMA is a premier provider of reference laboratory services to support anti-infective product discovery and development as well as the development of diagnostic devices that detect bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents and new technologies as they emerge.

For more information, please visit IHMA’s website (www.ihma.com).

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210922005605/en/

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