Organon Aims to Ignite Worldwide Conversation Around Unplanned Pregnancy
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"While we have seen a lot of progress in the area of reproductive health, the rates of unplanned pregnancy around the world continue to be high," said Dr. Sandy Milligan, M.D., J.D., head of Organon research and development. "There is no better time than ahead of World Contraception Day to focus on empowering women through education, information, empathy and conversation to help reduce unplanned pregnancy."
"Now, more than ever, it is critical to focus on the reproductive well-being of all people," said Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, MD, CEO of Power to Decide. "On World Contraception Day, we have a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of ensuring all people - regardless of who they are, where they live, or their economic background - have the opportunity to decide if, when and under what circumstances to get pregnant or have a child."
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JERSEY CITY, N.J. -- Businesswire -- Organon (NYSE: OGN), a global women’s health company, is launching a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that aims to raise awareness and ignite a worldwide conversation about the staggering rates of unplanned pregnancy around the world.
Worldwide, unplanned pregnancy impacts approximately 121 million women each year.[1] A 2019 study reported that globally, more than 1 billion women have a need for family planning, but for 270 million of them, the need for modern methods of family planning is unmet.[2][**] Unplanned pregnancy can impact any woman anywhere, regardless of her social or economic background.
“While we have seen a lot of progress in the area of reproductive health, the rates of unplanned pregnancy around the world continue to be high,” said Dr. Sandy Milligan, M.D., J.D., head of Organon research and development. “There is no better time than ahead of World Contraception Day to focus on empowering women through education, information, empathy and conversation to help reduce unplanned pregnancy.”
Organon invites women, their families, healthcare professionals and policy makers to visit to share their perspectives on how to help reduce the rates of unplanned pregnancy and join us on a collective mission of having the conversation.
“Now, more than ever, it is critical to focus on the reproductive well-being of all people,” said Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, MD, CEO of Power to Decide. “On World Contraception Day, we have a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of ensuring all people - regardless of who they are, where they live, or their economic background - have the opportunity to decide if, when and under what circumstances to get pregnant or have a child.”
The PSA will air on local TV and radio markets throughout the U.S., be distributed on social media via a variety of global channels and partners, and is available on where people are encouraged to share their perspectives on how to help reduce unplanned pregnancy.
About Organon
Organon is a global healthcare company formed through a spin-off from Merck, known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada, focused on improving the health of women throughout their lives. Here for her health, the company has a portfolio of more than 60 medicines and products across a range of therapeutic areas. Led by the reproductive health portfolio coupled with an expanding biosimilars business and stable franchise of established medicines, Organon’s products produce strong cash flows that will support investments in future growth opportunities in women’s health, including business development like recently acquired Alydia Health, a medical device company focused on postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, Organon is pursuing opportunities to collaborate with biopharmaceutical innovators looking to commercialize their products by leveraging its scale and presence in fast growing international markets.
Organon has a global footprint with significant scale and geographic reach, world-class commercial capabilities, and approximately 9,000 employees with headquarters located in Jersey City, New Jersey.
For more information, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Forward-Looking Statement of Organon
Except for historical information herein, this news release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, but not limited to, statements about management’s expectations about Organon’s future prospects. Forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as “aims,” “potential,” “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “will” or words of similar meaning. These statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of Organon’s management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.
Risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to, general industry conditions and competition; general economic factors, including interest rate and currency exchange rate fluctuations; the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and emergence of variant strains; the impact of pharmaceutical industry regulation and health care legislation in the United States and internationally; technological advances, new products and patents attained by competitors; challenges inherent in new product development, including obtaining regulatory approval; Organon’s ability to accurately predict its future financial results and performance; Organon’s ability to accurately predict future market conditions; manufacturing difficulties or delays; financial instability of international economies and sovereign risk; dependence on the effectiveness of Organon’s patents and other protections for innovative products; and the exposure to litigation, including patent litigation, and/or regulatory actions.
Organon does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in Organon’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including its registration statement on Form 10, available at the SEC’s Internet site (
[1] Bearak J, Painchalk A, Ganatra B, et al. Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990-2019. Lancet Glob Health. 2020;8(9):e1152-e1161. doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30315-6 [2] Kantorová V, Wheldon MC, Ueffing P, Dasgupta ANZ (2020) Estimating progress towards meeting women’s contraceptive needs in 185 countries: A Bayesian hierarchical modelling study. PLoS Med 17(2): e1003026. [**] According to Kantorová et. al, modern methods of contraception include female and male sterilization, the intrauterine device (IUD), the implant, injectables, oral contraceptive pills, male and female condoms, vaginal barrier methods, the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM), emergency contraception and other modern methods such as the contraceptive patch or vaginal ring.
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