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epa09479039 Syrian Kurdish wrestler Adnan Osman 12 years old (down), in actions against his competitor during the traditional Ulugazi Oil Wrestling Festival in Istanbul, Turkey, 19 September 2021. Adnan Osman, who had to leave his country after the start of the Syrian war, came to the Turkish border with his family 8 years ago. Adnan was born in a Kurdish village close to Aleppo and started this difficult journey when he was 3 years old. His father managed to bring his family to Gaziantep, the border city of Turkey, by selling all their assets in their village, and they stayed in Gaziantep for a while. Adnan and his family then started a new journey and came to Istanbul. It didn't take long for Adnan, started primary school, to meet wrestling. Adnan participated in the wrestler auditions held at the school and met his current trainer Yasin Günes when he was 8 years old. Adnan later became a regular wrestler of Avc?lar Municipality Sports Club. He won a total of 15 medals in the last 4 years. He also won medals in Greco-Roman and freestyle at the Turkish Wrestling Championships twice. Speaking to Epa, Adnan said he wants to be a great wrestler in the future. "I want to win championships on behalf of Turkey," Adnan said. EPA/SEDAT SUNA ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
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