Landmark Celebrates 30 Years as the Industry Leader in Personal & Professional Growth, Training and Development
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· "Landmark was named one of the top training and development companies in the world by McNeil."
· "Landmark is recognized for having one of the best faculty bodies in the business," and many professionals "in the personal development and coaching industries got their start by participating in Landmark's programs."
· Landmark is unique in the industry as the "sole program provider of ontological transformation a transformation in being - a breakthrough that results in immediate, lasting, and dramatic shifts in people's effectiveness and quality of life."
"What greatly impressed me with regard to Landmark is it gives people a hands-on access to altering the culture of an organization and to effect significant change in a surprisingly short period of time."
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SAN FRANCISCO -- Businesswire -- Landmark (Landmark Worldwide), established in 1991, celebrates its 30th anniversary with more than three million people across the globe having been positively and powerfully contributed to and empowered by its programs. Marking a related anniversary, it was 50 years ago that the ideas that grew into Landmark were born with the delivery of the first est Training in 1971.
As the leader in the personal and professional growth, training and development industry, Landmark’s programs and ideas have empowered people for five decades to dramatically elevate the quality of their lives and, in addition, to impact the areas of their lives that matter most to them.
Marketdata Enterprises, Inc., publishers of the definitive report on the personal development industry in the United States, stated in their 2021 report:
· “Landmark was named one of the top training and development companies in the world by McNeil.” · “Landmark is recognized for having one of the best faculty bodies in the business,” and many professionals “in the personal development and coaching industries got their start by participating in Landmark’s programs.” · Landmark is unique in the industry as the “sole program provider of ontological transformation … a transformation in being - a breakthrough that results in immediate, lasting, and dramatic shifts in people’s effectiveness and quality of life.”
50 years ago, Werner Erhard’s est Training launched the personal development industry and the beginning of what has since become the business and life coaching industry. Many of his concepts have earned a lasting place in mainstream culture, business and academia. As TIME magazine recognized, “The American obsession with transformation isn’t new. It’s about as old as the nation, but it was Werner Erhard ... who created the first modern transformation when he founded est seminars in 1971.”
Erhard retired the est Training and launched a new course, The Forum, in 1985. Erhard’s ideas (as expressed in his programs) are examined in detail by two scholars in the best-selling book, Speaking Being: Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger, and a New Possibility of Being Human.
Described as “one of the most incisive and insightful thinkers of our generation" by David Eagleman, Ph.D., Stanford University neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author, Erhard has committed the majority of his intellectual efforts over the past three decades to the academic world. With his colleagues, he is writing university-level curricula and teaching and lecturing at universities including the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the United States Air Force Academy, Stanford University, Harvard University, Yale University, Dartmouth College, and Erasmus University.
Today, Landmark continues to make its programs available throughout the world, including having launched virtually all of its more than 50 programs online. Landmark has been and continues to be endorsed by thousands of renowned leaders worldwide, including CEOs of global corporations, widely respected academics, and internationally recognized humanitarians.
“What greatly impressed me with regard to Landmark is it gives people a hands-on access to altering the culture of an organization and to effect significant change in a surprisingly short period of time.”
~ Michael C. Jensen, Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus at Harvard University
“Winning a gold medal at the Olympics was extraordinary and, when I did The Landmark Forum, I realized I could have that same level of accomplishment, fulfillment, and joy in every part of my life.”
~ Natalie Cook, Olympic Gold Medalist
“As a person whose life is about global issues, I can’t think of a more effective training program. One of the most valuable results I got was the ability to deal with intractable global problems without getting discouraged. As a result of participating in Landmark, individuals gain the tools to go out into the world and make things happen.”
~ Dr. Charles McNeill, Senior Policy Advisor, United Nations Environment Programme
“I have yet to see anything else that has such a positive impact on people’s ability to relate, communicate, and perform as Landmark.”
~ Paul Fireman, Founder and former Chairman/CEO of Reebok International, Ltd. USA
Landmark’s global management consulting firm and subsidiary, Vanto Group was named one of America’s Best Management Consulting Firms by Forbes Magazine for two consecutive years - 2020 and 2021. In addition, Landmark is the primary catalyst for participants creating more than 150,000 non-profit and pro bono projects, benefiting individuals, organizations, and communities around the world. A few examples include:
· Special Spectators (for which founder, Blake Rockwell was named a CNN Hero) has had a significant impact on tens of thousands of seriously ill children, their siblings and parents by giving them a VIP access game day experience at more than 50 major colleges and universities. · Plant a Million Trees: Gashaw Tahir founded an NGO called Greenland Development Foundation that planted more than a million trees in Ethiopia and, in the process, put more than 450 young people to work, giving them not only a sense of dignity, but the ability to see a future in Ethiopia. · R U OK? Day: A suicide prevention project that has been embraced by the entire country of Australia.
Landmark acknowledges and thanks the more than three million people who have participated in its work and the difference they make in their own lives, in the lives of others, and throughout the world.
For more information about Landmark and its programs, visit
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