KEF jak 2021. 9. 14. 23:17
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Southern Tomb
in Saqqara area reopens after restoration

epa09467603 A tourist visits the restored Tomb of King Djoser, that was reopened for visitors after a restoration, in the Saqqara area, near Giza, Egypt, 14 September 2021. An information plate by the Ministry of Tourism & Antiques at the entrance of the site describes the ancient Southern Tomb step pyramid, also known as the Saqqara pyramid, as being 'the oldest stone building of the ancient world' which was 'discovered by the English archaeologist Cecil Malaby Firth in 1928.' A series of corridors with even some false doors are described as the 'most important architectual and decorative elements' in the tomb that also features a 7.5 x 7.5m burial chamber at a depth of some 31 meters with a sarcophagus made of 16 blocks of pink granite and a height of about 3.6 meters. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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