CX Tech Leader, Alvaria, Inc. Announces Complete Integration of Recent Aspect and Noble Systems Acquisitions
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LAS VEGAS -- Businesswire -- Today, Alvaria, Inc., is pleased to announce the completion of the integration of Aspect and Noble Systems, creating a major unified force for innovation and growth in the customer experience and workforce engagement management industry.
Since the announced combination in May 2021, the company has seamlessly transitioned, without interruption, to a fully integrated, best-of-breed solution set. The Alvaria website has been updated, offering an interactive product architecture guide providing choice, clarity and an easy way to see how Alvaria products work together in the deployment model that works best for our customers.
Tomorrow, September 14th, the ACE event, Come Together, kicks off with a keynote by President and CEO Patrick Dennis. Alvaria has planned a full agenda including new product deep-dives, insights from industry experts, as well as product tips and tricks and a special keynote, Creating Loyalty in a Connected World, by Alex Hunter, loyalty & brand expert and former global Head of Digital at the Virgin Group.
Also launching at ACE is The Alvaria User Group, a free organization dedicated to enhancing the user experience through the exchange of information between members, led by a combined group of former Aspect and former Noble Systems customers.
ACE 2021 Come Together is a fully virtual event designed for and by Alvaria customers. There is still time for interested participants to register HERE. (
Alvaria President & CEO, Patrick Dennis said, “With the successful formation of Alvaria, we have a company with an amazing financial profile and a laser focus on our customers. In addition to a whole new set of products, we’ll continue to support the applications our customers have depended on for years, including our industry-leading compliant outbound solutions. We remain unwavering in our commitment to delivering best of breed enterprise software capabilities, on premises, in the cloud or hybrid. We truly believe that reshaping the customer experience requires companies to master outbound contact.”
For more information, please visit
Alvaria is the world leader in enterprise-scale customer experience (CX) and workforce engagement management (WEM) solutions. Our name is derived from Latin for “hives” - nature’s perfect form for millions of years - bringing you solutions that are scalable, resilient and secure, with efficiency, speed and pinpoint accuracy. ALVARIA™. Reshaping Customer Experience™. For more information, please visit
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