MI hy 2021. 9. 13. 20:22
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Afghan Hazara refugees in Indonesia demand a long wished resettlement

epa09465278 Hazara refugees from Afghanistan who has been waiting for resettlement to the third country for years, attend an English class inside a musalla or prayer room at a former military facility converted as a temporary shelter for refugee in Jakarta, Indonesia, 07 September 2021 (issued 13 September 2021). Hundreds of Hazara refugees protested last month outside the UNHCR office in Kebon Sirih in Central Jakarta in demand of a resettlement.

Refugees told EPA-EFE they have been waiting for resettlement to a third country for years and the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan has stoked fear of further repression against this Shia-minority.

In the military building turned into a refugees shelter some two years ago in West Jakarta's Kalideres, dozens of refugees live in rooms separated by blue tarpaulins and in tents. They say they cannot work due to their refugee status. According to the UNHCR, there were more than 13,400 refugees registered in Indonesia as of April 2021, more than half of which are from Afghanistan. EPA/MAST IRHAM ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

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