Poland Vatican

XMN MW 2021. 9. 12. 19:59
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Pope John Paul II, Stefan Wyszynski

FILE - In this Oct. 16, 1978 file photo, Karol Cardinal Wojtyla, right, is pictured together with Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, left, when both head for the cardinals congregation meeting in Vatican City. Cardinal Wojtyla has been elected as successor for late Pope John Paul I by the conclavists and will head the catholic church by the name of Pope John Paul II as the first non-Italian Pope in 450 years. Poland's top political leaders gathered in a Warsaw church Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021 for the beatification of two revered figures of the Catholic church — a cardinal who led the Polish church's resistance to communism and a blind nun who devoted her life to helping others who couldn't see. (AP Photo, File) OCT. 16, 1978 FILE PHOT0

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