Moh sq 2021. 9. 7. 23:17
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Wicker furniture manufacturing workshop in Tunis

epa09453363 Fatma Mzoughi a 70 year old craftswoman poses for the photographer in her wicker furniture workshop in Tunis, Tunisia, 07 September 2021. Nearly all the wicker furniture in this workshop is made for touristic purposes. Most of the products are sold in fairs, exhibitions in attraction sites. Due to the spread of Covid-19 such events were cancelled therefore causing massive sufferings to the industry. According to official data, the income of the tourism sector in Tunisia has decreased by 65% during the current year, and the number of arrivals decreased by 78%. The losses of the sector have been estimated over the past year at more than 2.1 billion dollars, according to the Tunisian Minister of Tourism, Habib Ammar. EPA/MOHAMED MESSARA

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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