Arms procurement agency seeks 76 percent budget increase for R&D

한겨레 2021. 9. 7. 17:16
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If the proposed budget is approved, it will be the first time that more than 1 trillion won (US$865.3 million) in funding is awarded for defense technology research and development
The Cheongung II system consists of engagement control station, multi-function radar and launcher. (provided by Defense Acquisition Program Administration)

South Korea is poised to significantly expand research and development into futuristic defense technology as it seeks to corner the market for “new concept” weapon systems.

Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Monday that the defense budget for next year that it submitted to the National Assembly on Friday sets aside 1.49 trillion won (US$1.28 billion) for research and development programs for defense technology — a 76 percent from this year’s budget.

Presuming the budget passes National Assembly review, this will be the first time defense technology R&D receives more than 1 trillion won in funding. Defense technology R&D includes various programs for acquiring the key technologies needed for developing weapon systems as well as novel technologies and strategic parts.

DAPA points to the development project for the KF-21, a homegrown fighter jet, as an example of the importance of investing in defense technology R&D.

One of next year’s R&D projects aims to develop defense technology for future challenges. The project has a budget of 284.4 billion won (US$245.74 million), a 136 percent increase on this year’s budget. DAPA plans to focus those funds on eight areas it has identified as “game changers,” including hypersonic propulsion, autonomous driving and space.

DAPA’s project to develop “key technology” needed for weapon systems the Joint Chiefs of Staff want developed in the long term has been allocated 766.8 billion won (US$662.62 million), a 50 percent increase from this year. That will mean expanding applied research on packaged weapon systems that’s being carried out by a corporate-academic research consortium, with the goal of stimulating company-managed R&D into weapon systems.

“We will proactively invest in the cutting-edge technology of the future by greatly increasing our investment in defense technology R&D in 2022. Doing so will help us build one of the world’s top-five defense industries,” said Kang Eun-ho, head of DAPA.

By Kim Ji-eun, staff reporter

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