S. Korea to procure 90 million additional doses of Covid-19 vaccines for next year

Pulse 2021. 8. 24. 12:18
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[Photo by Yonhap]
South Korea is procuring 90 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines next year, nearly doubling the 50 million it had planned in June to cover the entire population in readiness for drawn-out outbreaks.

The government decided to secure more doses to respond to variants, uncertainties over the course of vaccine supplies and the possibility of the prolongment in the pandemic, according to the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters on Monday.

The authorities also said the government has so far secured about 193.40 million doses this year and will stockpile some 80 million doses brought from this year for potential additional inoculation next year.

Earlier, President Moon Jae-in's Chief of Staff You Young-min said in a National Assembly session that the country¡¯s total volume of vaccines available in 2022 will reach 170 million doses, more than tripling the country's population. The 170 million doses he mentioned is a sum of this year¡¯s stockpile and additional procurement for next year.

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