Korean IT companies jump onto metaverse bandwagon

Woo Soo-min and Lee Soo-min 2021. 7. 29. 14:18
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[Source: CJ OliveNetworks Co.]
South Korea’s IT solutions companies are jumping onto the metaverse bandwagon, bringing their workers and customers into a digital virtual space as another wave of infections have driven more people to work from home.

CJ OliveNetworks Co., the information technology solution developer under CJ Group, recently hosted its social contribution program titled CJ SW Creative Camp at a virtual school created in Gather Town, a pixelated virtual space where users can walk around select rooms and engage in video conversation. From the head office in Seoul, CEO Cha In-hyeok encouraged students in Jeju who had been participating in the camp for 15 weeks and watched videos together on AI-focused curricula on chatbots powered by AI machine learning and face mask recognition devices.

The company has recently set up a new task force team to work on metaverse. It is planning to create virtual models using its face generation technology and use them as company models or TV show hosts, an official at the company said.

LG CNS Co., the IT service provider unit of LG Group, held an onboarding event for new hires at its Seoul-based head office emulated in Gather Town. New employees used their avatars to freely roam virtual offices and meet personnel managers to get information and tips on company life.

LG CNS has also established a metaverse task force to help customers adopt the metaverse concept to their existing services, systems and data.

Lotte Group’s IT unit Lotte Data Communication announced it has recently acquired Vision VR, a virtual reality content producer, in its metaverse foray. It will launch VR commerce, virtual offices and other various services by combining its cloud platform with Vision VR’s metaverse video technologies, the company said.

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