SVDW jak 2021. 7. 25. 22:24
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New Dutch Waterline nominated for UNESCO Heritage Site

epa09365030 A view of a Fort near Vechten, part of the New Dutch Waterline, The Netherlands, 25 July 2021. The national monument, a historic defense line from 1815 between Muiden and Gorinchem, has been nominated by UNESCO to be listed as a World Heritage Site. A total of 42 nominations, among them 35 cultural, six natural and one combined (cultural and natural) sites will be examined during the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, that is held online in Fuzhou, China, from 16 to 31 July. The committee from 24 July on 'will start inscribing nominated sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List', the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization says on their website. EPA/SEM VAN DER WAL

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