Aramco Korea to improve road safety around Ulsan schools

진은수 2021. 7. 14. 19:22
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Aramco Korea will help improve road safety around elementary schools in Ulsan as part of its social contribution program.
Song Cheol-ho, mayor of Ulsan, third from left, and Mutib A. Al-Harbi, representative director at Aramco Korea pose for a photo with other stakeholders on Wednesday after signing a partnership agreement on "Safer Routes to School" project at the city hall. [ARAMCO KOREA]

Aramco Korea will help improve road safety around elementary schools in Ulsan as part of its social contribution program.

The oil firm said Wednesday that it has signed a partnership with Ulsan Metropolitan City, the Ulsan Metropolitan Council on Social Welfare and Community Relation Center, Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education and Ulsan Metropolitan Policy Agency to run its “Safer Routes to School” project.

Under the partnership, Aramco Korea will install speed limit signs and safety signs in school zones near some 50 elementary schools in Ulsan.

“We are proud to launch this important project with our partner in Ulsan, with the intention of making school journeys safer for children,” Mutib A. Al-Harbi, representative director of Aramco Korea, said in a release Thursday.

“This program is an extension of our efforts to positively contribute to society, whether through enhancing safety or providing education opportunities.”


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