ac AFCU GD 2021. 7. 11. 02:49
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First Maradonian Church in Mexico is hosted in the central state of Puebla

epa09336045 Candles with the photograph of former Argentine soccer player Diego Armando Maradona, in the municipality of San Andres Cholula, in Puebla, Mexico, 07 July 2021 (issued 10 July 2021). The religious syncretism of the Mexican town of San Andres Cholula, known for having a Catholic sanctuary built on a pre-Columbian pyramid, is now joined by the first Maradonian Church in Mexico, dedicated to the late soccer star. The followers in Mexico and the rest of the world of the star Diego Armando Maradona, who died on 25 November 2020, now have in the state of Puebla, central Mexico, a ceremonial center for soccer fans, a space almost touched by the 'hand of God', phrase of the famous soccer player. EPA/Hilda Rios

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