SK LB 2021. 7. 9. 21:36
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Leader of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Ahmed Jibril funeral

epa09333244 A large number of Syrians and Palestinians are attend the funeral processions of Ahmed Jibril, the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine -General Command- who died of old age at 83, during a mass funeral for him in the presence of representatives of the Damascus-based radical Palestinian factions and family members, in Damascus, Syria, 09 July 2021. The funeral processions began from the Ummaya hospital in Damascus, Syria, to al-Othman Mosque near the hospital for prayers, then to the new Martyrs cemetery for burial. Jibril?s group carried out hijackings and was placed on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations in 1997. His group gained a reputation for some of the wilder attacks against Israel, including hijacking an El Al jetliner in 1968. EPA/YOUSSEF BADAWI

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