Hyundai Fomex LED solutions lighting up UEFA Euro 2020 games in the UK

Pulse 2021. 7. 8. 15:15
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South Korea¡¯s photography and broadcasting equipment maker Hyundai Fomex is lighting up the UEFA European Football Championship held across Europe.

Hyundai Fomex announced it supplied self-developed Flexible LED and RollLite lighting solutions to the U.K. in April for the UEFA Euro 2020, which is currently being held at 11 cities across the European continent after cancellation last year.

The company¡¯s Flexible LED and RollLite lighting systems were first unveiled at the International Broadcasting Convention in 2015 and 2017, respectively.

Flexible LED light provides a versatile lighting system with its bendable and compact design and its waterproof function ensures high-quality images regardless of weather and location. RollLite is an innovative LED lighting system made of electric fiber, which is lightweight and offers high-quality light output and maximized color flexibility required for outdoor filming.

Hyundai Fomex said its lighting solutions are being used to produce promotional videos for each team participating in the European Championship televised all over the world, including interviews with major players and coaches.

The UEFA Euro is the European championship which brings together Europe¡¯s top national teams every four years. The 2020 tournament, which had been postponed for a year, due to Covid-19, kicked off on June 12 and the final game is set for July 11 at Wembley Stadium, London.

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