Chuncheon Mime Festival to begin summer run

2021. 7. 2. 15:17
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Chuncheon International Mime Festival (Korea Tourism Organization)

The summer edition of the 2021 Chuncheon International Mime Festival will open Monday, under the title “Summer:Movement.”

The summer festival held in the city of Chuncheon, Gangwon Province will kick off with its Mime Fringe program from Monday to Wednesday. The program was launched in 2018 to support young mime artists. This year it has been expanded to also include artists who have been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the 13 acts, the organizers will award one act with prize money and a trophy. The act will be given a chance to perform at next year’s main show.

Mime artist Ryu Seong-guk will perform his pantomime omnibus show “Stop Walking By” on July 9. The performance consists of four parts that depicts how we should live with one another in this world.

The organizers will also hold an exhibition that will display the waste collected from the festival in its CIMF Showroom to raise awareness on how festivals can have harmful effects on the environment.

The Chuncheon International Mime Festival is considered one of the top three festivals of its kind in the world, the two others being the London Mime Festival and the Mimos festival in France.

The summer run of the festival will continue until July 11.

By Im Eun-byel(

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