NH Investment & Securities tops ECM league table in H1

Kang Woo-seok and Choi Mira 2021. 7. 2. 13:39
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NH Investment & Securities topped South Korea’s equity capital market (ECM) league table by arranging 3.02 trillion won ($2.6 billion) deals in the first half of this year.

According to data released by Maeil Business Newspaper on Thursday, NH Investment & Securities ranked top by underwriting 11 ECM deals including the two biggest IPOs in the first half of SK Bioscience and SK IE Technology.

KB Securities came second after overseeing 16 deals worth 2.62 trillion won including IPOs of Mobirix, Solum, Prestige BioPharma and LB Lusem.

Korea Investment & Securities ranked third with 2.45 trillion won worth deals, followed by Mirae Asset Securities 2.26 trillion won and Samsung Securities 810.2 billion won.

Market watchers expect a huge change in the league table ranking in the coming months as Krafton and LG Energy Solution are scheduled to go public, the two blockbuster IPOs in the latter half. Krafton plans to debut on the Kospi market next month and LG Energy Solution filed for an IPO last month.

In the debt capital market (DCM), KB Securities took the top spot by lead-managing 17.34 trillion won debt issuance. The brokerage swept debt financing deals of big-name companies including Lotte, LG, Posco, Hanwha, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hyundai Motor.

NH Investment & Securities ranked second by leading 13.95 trillion won worth debt offerings, and Korea Investment & Securities came third with 8.47 trillion won deals.

SK Securities ranked fourth by taking 5.84 trillion won worth deals including the debt issuance of SK Group affiliates such as SK and SK Rent A Car even after it was divested from the in 2018. SK Securities is under the management of private equity fund J&W Partners.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]

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