MB 2021. 6. 23. 21:57
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King Philippe visits the 15th Wing Air Transport at Military Airport Melsbroek

epa09295362 King Philippe of Belgium (L) and his son, Prince Gabriel (R), visit the 15 Wing Air Transport at Military Airport Melsbroek to view the new Airbus A400M in Brussels, Belgium, 23 June 2021. The aircraft is one of eight aircraft that will be stationed at Melsbroek as a Belgian-Luxembourg binational fleet. It is a multi-purpose aircraft capable of carrying out both tactical missions and strategic flights with a distance of 5,400 km. With a crew of three to four people, the aircraft can carry heavy equipment (up to 37 tons) and personnel, as well as drop paratroopers and vehicles in an enemy environment. The aircraft can also be used for medical evacuations and can refuel while flying. The aircraft is the result of a cooperation program between seven countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom). The activity will consist of a briefing and a flight aboard the A400M. Weather permitting, a parachute will take place during the flight. EPA/Olivier Matthys / POOL

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