Korea's ST Pharm aims to launch home-grown mRNA vaccine next year: CEO

Kim Byung-ho, Han Jae-beom and Minu Kim 2021. 6. 23. 15:15
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ST Pharm is preparing to develop its own messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccine against Covid-19 and to supply necessary raw materials to Korean and overseas mRNA vaccine developers, the company’s chief executive Kim Kyung-jin told Maeil Business Newspaper on Tuesday.

The company said it already selected three out of 24 potential vaccine candidates and one final candidate will be determined based on data analysis by the end of this month, Kim said, adding his goal is to begin a Phase 1 clinical trial within this year after preclinical testing and NDA submission in October.

Further to the company’s mRNA vaccine development roadmap, a Phase 2b study is due to be completed by May next year and market launching in the first half under emergency use authorization.

Sources said ST Pharm is in discussion with Moderna to provide vaccine materials based on its patented manufacturing process technology, but Kim fell short of mentioning it.

One key technology for production of mRNA vaccine materials is '5 prime capping' under which U.S.-based Trilink Biotechnologies controls the global market in vaccine materials but many vaccine developers face a shortage of materials due to a surging demand for Covid-19 shots.

[Photo provided by ST Pharm]
ST Pharm is now capable to provide massive vaccine materials 30 percent cheaper under its own 5 prime capping technology, Kim emphasized. The mRNA transcript needs 5 prime capping as it adds stability to the transcript and allows for effective translation.

Regarding the company’s possible consigned production of CureVac’s mRNA vaccine, Kim said the two have been in discussions, but nothing has been decided.

ST Pharm will expand its therapeutic areas to include cancer vaccines and autoimmune disease drugs as a post-Covid-19 business model.

ST Pharm founded in 2008 has been involved in commissioned production of active pharmaceutical ingredients as a Dong-A Socio Holdings company. In May, the company began to run a dedicated GMP-certified mRNA vaccine plant.

Kim, born in 1963, studied chemistry in Sogang University in Korea, and received a Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M. He has led ST Pharm since 2017.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]

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