md ase 2021. 6. 15. 05:40
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Czech government sent draft of agreement about Turow lignite mine to Poland

epa09271801 A view of Turow cooling towers of the coal fired power station near the Turow lignite mine, operated by PGE company, in Bogatynia, Poland, 14 June 2021. According to Czech Environment Minister Brabec, the Czech Republic has sent a draft intergovernmental agreement on the Polish Turow brown coal mine to Poland on 14 June 2021. The agreement contains the conditions that the Czech Republic wants to fulfill from Poland before and after the potential withdrawal of the action. Negotiations will begin on 17 June 2021. European Union's top court ordered Poland to immediately stop extracting brown coal at the Turow mine near the Czech border on 21 May 2021. Turow mine, operated by PGE company, has not stopped mining. One of the reasons for the Czech government's lawsuit is the drop in the groundwater on Czech side of border. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK

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