spf bc sq 2021. 6. 14. 23:11
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Sea search continues after Spanish girl's body found in bag

epa09270559 Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO)'s oceanographic vessel 'Angeles Alvarino' leaves Santa Cruz de Tenerife harbour, the Canaries, Spain, 14 June 2021, to continue the search of one-year-old Anna Gimeno and her father Tomas Gimeno after a stop due to a technical problem over the weekend. The vessel will keep the search until upcoming 17 June, it has been announced on 14 June by official sources. The body of Anna's sister, 6-year-old Olivia, was found on 10 June in a bag and tied to an anchor at a depth of some 1,000 meters a few kilometers off the coast. The two girls were taken by their father on 27 April in Tenerife without the permission of the mother, Beatriz Zimmermann, who is divorced from Gimeno. EPA/Miguel Barreto

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