ab GD 2021. 5. 19. 20:03
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A bar offers cocktails named after COVID-19 vaccines in Croatia

epa09211320 Tomislav Perko shows cocktails named after COVID-19 vaccines at Roots bar in Zagreb, Croatia, 18 May 2021 (Issued 19 May 2021). The owner of the Roots bar, Tomislav Perko, has put a spin of vaccines that's completely different way offering a range of COVID-19 vaccine inspired cocktails with different names; Moderna, Pfizer, Sputnik, and AstraZeneca. The Roots Bar recently added this four new drinks to their menu with popular vaccine names which is used allover the world during pandemic crisis. For Sputnik cocktail they use Vodka alcohol, AstraZeneca they use Gin, Pfizer they use Jegermaster, and for Moderna they use Bourbon whisky. These special vaccine cocktails come with a syringe and customers are given stamps to certify that guests received their cocktails dose, and of course the doses are unlimited. One dose costs 50 HRK (6,5 euros). EPA/ANTONIO BAT

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