Opposition All Criticize President Moon's Speech

Shim Jin-yong 2021. 5. 11. 19:09
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On May 10, citizens at Seoul Station watch President Moon Jae-in’s special address marking four years in office on TV. Yonhap News

On May 10, the opposition parties fiercely attacked President Moon Jae-in’s special address marking four years in office. The People Power Party raised an issue with the president’s comments on the confirmation hearing and stated that the party could not accept the confirmation hearing report for prime minister nominee Kim Boo-kyum. The Justice Party also pointed out that the president “should have made an apology.”

In an oral comment, Bae June-young criticized President Moon’s speech saying, “He showed how different his understanding of the situation was that it made me question whether he and the people lived under the same sky.” He said, “The president emphasized overcoming the crisis, but a considerable part of that crisis was caused by the incumbent government,” and pointed out, “The delay in securing vaccines, the worst employment crisis brought on by the income-driven growth policy, and the status of South Korea as a climate villain earned because of efforts to phase out nuclear power were all due to the government’s rash stubbornness.”

Yi Dong-yeong, senior spokesperson of the Justice Party released a comment and said, “We could not find ‘a country-like country’ seeking to alleviate inequality and to realize a society respecting labor anywhere in his speech,” and added, “He should have released an apology, not self-praise.” He also mentioned the confirmation hearing and pointed out, “He should have clearly stated his position on withdrawing the nomination of ministerial candidates who did not meet the demand of the citizens.”

Ahn Hye-jin, spokesperson for the People’s Party also said, “It was the worst speech ever,” and commented, “Society is turning grey, but the president is busy praising himself. There is no way he will come up with adequate measures.”

People Power Party lawmaker Suh Byung-soo, who chairs the special committee overseeing the confirmation hearing of the prime minister nominee, criticized the president’s words, “I do not think the verification was a failure just because the opposition parties oppose,” and announced that he would not adopt the confirmation hearing report on the prime minister nominee Kim Boo-kyum. In a press conference at the National Assembly, Suh said, “His (the president’s) words suggest that he will appoint the candidate regardless of the confirmation hearing outcome,” and added, “As the chairperson of the special committee, I will not adopt such a formality-only report.” This day, the special committee held a plenary session at the National Assembly, but due to the opposition of the People Power Party, only members of the ruling party were present. The session ended without a conclusion.

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