moa 2021. 4. 28. 23:05
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Alitalia workers protest in Rome

epa09165430 Alitalia workers scuffle with policemen during a protest against the possibility of the company being resized, with many at risk of losing their jobs, in San Silvestro square, Rome, Italy, 28 April 2021. The Italian government wants to restructure the airline through a new State-controlled company, the Italia Trasporto Aereo (ITA) that will get state cash to buy Alitalia's assets, however the plan is pending Italian and European Commission approvals. Alitalia workers were not paid April salaries as scheduled despite a recent government approval of an advance of 50 million euros to Alitalia for the payment of workers' salaries as part of aid package over drop in revenues due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020. EPA/ANGELO CARCONI

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