[Photo] Light projection performance for inter-Korean peace

한겨레 2021. 4. 27. 16:46
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A light projection performance held Monday in Seoul by peace activists shows messages reading “end the Korean War,” “70 years is enough” and “unconditional inter-Korean dialogue.” (Yonhap News)

Activist organizations, including religious groups representing the seven major religions practiced in South Korea, 360 local civil societies and 50 international partner organizations, held a light projection performance Monday in Seoul as part of a larger event calling for an end to the Korean War, titled “Let’s Make Spring of Peace,” which ran from April 19 to Tuesday.

South Korean officials managing Gyeongbok Palace attempt to stop the performance as the outer walls of the Gwanghwamun Gate, where the performance was held, fall under the no-protest zone set by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. (Yonhap News)

The show, which featured messages projected onto the outer walls of the Gwanghwamun Gate in Seoul, was held a day ahead of the 3rd anniversary of the Panmunjom Declaration.

South Korean officials managing Gyeongbok Palace attempt to stop the performance as the outer walls of the Gwanghwamun Gate, where the performance was held, fall under the no-protest zone set by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. (Yonhap News)

The event’s organizers said that the event is meant to mark the 3rd anniversary of the Panmunjom Declaration and reignite hopes of inter-Korean peace, which is more important now than ever.

The event is part of an international campaign to end the Korean War, they said.

By Kim Hye-yun, staff photographer

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