epaselect HAITI CRISIS

ob AFCU GD 2021. 4. 24. 23:01
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Parishioners gather in church to reject kidnapping of religious in Haiti

epaselect epa09155937 A group of people protest near the Saint Antoine church, where Father Michel Briand, one of the religious kidnapped days ago, worked for decades, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 23 April 2021. Three members of the group of religious kidnapped on 11 April in Haiti were released on 22 April, according to a source close to the Catholic Church. The armed gang known as 400 Mawozo still holds six people hostage, including the two French religious who were in the group, who were kidnapped outside Port-au-Prince. Since the end of 2019, Haiti has faced a wave of kidnappings unprecedented in its history, these crimes occur on a daily basis and all groups in society are victims of them, in the face of the impotence of the authorities. EPA/JEAN MARC HERVE ABELARD

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