md ed 2021. 4. 22. 22:30
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Czech Republic to expel more Russian diplomats

epa09152635 (L-R) Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek, Czech Deputy Prime Minister Jan Hamacek and Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis address a joint press conference, in Prague, Czech Republic, 22 April 2021. After no answer to the ultimatum of Foreign Minister Kulhanek on 21 April to Russian ambassador to allow the return of Czech diplomats to the Czech embassy in Russia by noon of 22 April, Kulhanek said that the same number of diplomats will remain at the Russian embassy in Prague as at the Czech embassy in Moscow. They have time until the end of May to leave the Czech Republic. Russia expels 20 diplomats of the Czech embassy in Moscow in response to the decision of Czech authorities to expel 18 diplomats from the Russian embassy in Prague over accusations of alleged involvement of Russian intelligence services in an ammunition depot explosion in Vrbetice in 2014. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK

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