OS MD 2021. 4. 19. 23:44
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Protest shutdown in Pakistan

epa09145632 Supporters of banned Islamic political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) clash with police during a protest, after the President of Tanzeem Ul Madaris Ahle Sunnat Pakistan, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, announces a nationwide shutdown to show their solidarity with the banned Islamic political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) in Karachi, Pakistan, 19 April 2021. Negotiations continue between the Islamists and the government to end the stalemate over continued demonstrations over the controversial cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad. Violent protests have gripped Pakistan since 12 April 2021, following the arrest of TLP leader Saad Rizvi. The group is calling on the Pakistani government to expel the French ambassador and cut ties with France as part of a fallout triggered by a debate about the publication of cartoons of the Prophet. EPA/REHAN KHAN

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