NM MD 2021. 4. 15. 23:14
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A Lebanese petition to the Pope and the United Nations calling for the siege on Syria to be lifted

epa09137230 The Archbishop of Beirut for the Syriac Orthodox community Daniel Kouryeh (2-R) present a petition to the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Lebanon (L) addressed to the Pope of the Vatican, the United Nations and the European Union, calling for an 'immediate end to the siege and economic terror imposed on the Syrian people', during a gathering in solidarity with the Syrian people, in front the ESCWA building in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, 15 April 2021. Lebanese and Syrian national figures, Christian and Muslims clerics, students, and activists protest in front of the United Nations in Beirut, affirming the lifting of the unjust siege on Syria and Lebanon, To provide assistance to return Syrian refugees to safe areas in Syria, the vigil was organized by the National Union of Syrian Students in Lebanon. EPA/NABIL MOUNZER

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>

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