After Receiving the Letter of Credence, President Moon Tells Japanese Ambassador, "South Korea Is Extremely Concerned about the Release of Contaminated Water"

Lee Ju-young 2021. 4. 15. 18:21
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On April 14, President Moon Jae-in greets Japanese Ambassador to South Korea Koichi Aiboshi at a ceremony for the presentation of credentials at Cheongwadae. Cheongwadae press photographers

On April 14, President Moon Jae-in met the Japanese ambassador to South Korea, Koichi Aiboshi and expressed his concerns on the Japanese government’s decision to release contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean.

Cheongwadae spokesperson Kang Min-seok conveyed that in a reception following the presentation of the letter of credence from Ambassador Aiboshi, President Moon said, “I must speak on this issue,” and continued, “South Korea is geographically the closest to Japan, and the two countries share the sea. So South Korea is extremely concerned about Japan’s decision to release contaminated water from the nuclear power plant into the sea.” According to the spokesperson, the president also asked the Japanese ambassador to relay the concerns of the Korean government and people to his country, since he too should be well aware of our concerns. Kang added that it was unusual for such comments to be made in a reception.

In a Cheongwadae meeting, the president instructed his officials to “review filing a case along with requesting provisional measures at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea concerning Japan’s decision to release contaminated water into the sea.”

A request for the prescription of provisional measures is similar to a request for an interim injunction prohibiting Japan from releasing the contaminated water until the International Tribunal makes a final decision. A key Cheongwadae official explained, “The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea can prescribe such provisional measures to preserve the respective rights of the disputing parties and to prevent serious harm to the marine environment,” and said, “The Office of the Secretary for Legal Affairs will begin reviewing the details.”

Ambassador Aiboshi delivered a message from the Japanese Emperor Naruhito expressing hopes to build friendly ties with South Korea and said, “The relationship between the two countries is not fully satisfactory, but we expect to resolve our issues through dialogue under the president’s leadership.” President Moon said, “South Korea and Japan are the closest of neighbors and friends. We are very important partners that need to cooperate for the prosperity of Northeast Asia and world peace.” He also wished Japan for a successful Olympic Games in Tokyo.

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