DI cs 2021. 4. 13. 08:47
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Power lines said to be killing migratory birds at lake Magadi

epa09131785 Flock of lesser flamingos are seen wading through the Lake Magadi, Great Rift Valley in Kajiado, Kenya, 11 April 2021 (issued 12 April 2021). According to community tourist guides at the lake, power lines supplying power to a chemical factory stationed at the lake has turned to death traps for migratory birds mainly flamingos. Tens of flamingos have been killed in the couple of weeks. They have been advocating for the power lines to be fitted with more bird diverters which are meant to distract the birds from the lines. Lake Magadi has been receiving a huge number of migratory flamingos migrating from lake Nakuru due to the high-water levels and contamination at lake Nakuru where there has been reported increase cases of flamingos deaths from suspected toxins inthe contaminated lake. EPA/Daniel Irungu

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